I used to wonder how my life would have been if I haven't committed those damn mistakes. Imagine seeing yourself among the brightest stars under the night sky. Everything would have been perfect. But then again, it's nothing but a fantasy.
I realized it was through those flaws that I knew how to accept and embrace my shortcomings. It was with every argued truth-turned-fallacy that I learned to appreciate and value opposing views. In addition, it opened my mind to deeply understand and further respect individuality. Moreso, from deviating from what is believed to be right or from those which defines moral standards, I fostered compassion. And most importantly, every time I descend with every downfall, the more I humble myself with humility. It was these imperfections, all of it, that made everything so real, so perfect.
Thus, I hold it true that there is more to mistakes than falling from grace. Whether we'll have it one mistake at a time or rather have it the hard way, it's all part of the grand master plan we call experience. Cliche as it is, there just really isn't any other way - experience still is the best teacher. Even the great men the world has come to know has their own share of learning a great deal from their own mistakes. So through it all, as we stand proud of our better selves, we can always reflect and smile at our old nonsense.

The more I go deeper into the body of this prelude, the more I want to embrace the imperfections of humanity.
Looking forward for more blogs! Kudos!
Very well said. We can always learn from our own mistakes to improve ourselves. Hope to read more of your inspiring blogs! :)
Inspiring. Hope to hear more of your blogs! You're off to a good start kiddo. :)
Very inspiring. We all can learn from our mistakes and become better with our chosen endeavors.
It's all about learning from our mistakes that makes winning more rewarding. Love it!
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