
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Once Upon A Daydream

I think it may have started the moment I heard Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty, sung "Once Upon A Dream." Since then, for the most part of my youth, it was all about collecting countless dreams. Me and my imaginary friend started painting a world of my own. A magical realm where I can be whoever and whatever I wish to be without any restraint. For a while, it seemed endless, until the science of reason and fantasia could no longer compromise.

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Reality required more than just fairy tales. While we'll still meet our fairy godmothers, prince charming, the old witch, evil step sisters, trolls or what-have-you's, only this time, we can't just lay around and wait for that magic kiss. No magic potions or spells, not even our fairy godmother can help us find a shortcut in achieving our dreams. As we write our own stories, life as we call it, we really need to work hard for our own happy endings. It may not be always a smooth ride, but we just have to keep on trying.

In the real world, turning our dreams into reality takes a lot of passion and dedication, a sense of commitment. Without it, there would only be expectations and regrets. Obstacles may arise along the way, but only if we permit ourselves to take our eyes off of our goals. We should always keep our focus and pour our hearts in pursuing our dreams and we'll never fall short of success. I think it's best to commit in making the most out of our dreams, or would you rather take your chances at kissing a frog? :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Foot Forward To Uncertainty

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We all want to try something different and something new every now and then. Even the planets break out of their orbits every once in a while. After all, champions were once mere aspirants who dared venture the unknown. As they say, "Accomplishing great victories is not for the weak at heart." Full of inspiration, I, too, took a shot at taking my chances. And next thing I knew, I was standing still at ground zero.

There I was at the verge of my comfort zone. Then, I almost instantly felt like I was staring directly at a dead end. One way or another, in the hollowed corner of my mind, I knew what I need to be doing but somehow just couldn't start. Doubts and anxieties had took its toll on me. At some point, confronted with fears, I was at my wits' end. It suddenly felt like the enthusiasm began to wither. On some occasions, I felt   retreating to my old habits.

It has drawn me back, but I realized it was only for me to have enough room to take a leap of faith. At times, we just need to be fearless. Beyond doubt, success comes after hard work and never an accident. We don't need to overwhelm ourselves and fancy the whole staircase. All it takes is to take the first step. So whatever new beginnings you     choose to make, remember to always have fun and start the ball rolling!